Who we are

Palestine Solar & Sustainable Energy Society


- Utilizing renewable energy as a tool for sustainable development in all Palestinian communities, whether rural or urban.

- Advocating for the implementation of incentive policies that encourage investors and individuals to use and invest in renewable energy.

- Increasing awareness among Palestinians about the use of clean and renewable energy.

The targeted areas: -

- Making decisions related to the field of energy production and usage.

- Areas affected by occupation and deprived of the necessities of clean and decent living.

- Areas affected by environmental pollution.

- Impoverished areas and communities deprived of electricity supplies.

Palestine Solar & Sustainable Energy Society

(PSSES) is a Palestinian non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting renewable energy in Palestine and utilizing it as a tool for achieving sustainable development in Palestinian communities, whether rural or urban. (PSSES) has expertise in implementing renewable energy projects, including water purification, solar energy, and energy efficiency. Their work includes the following areas:

1. Education: PSSES implements educational programs, training, and workshops to raise awareness about national energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy. This includes lectures in schools, universities, and other academic institutions.

2. Research: The organization encourages basic and applied research in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. They publish pamphlets and carry out projects aimed at increasing awareness about energy efficiency and applications of renewable energy in Palestine. They also study the feasibility of implementing various forms of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

3. Project Implementation: PSSES carries out projects to support the growth of individuals and communities by supporting private companies and empowering them in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. They also participated in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) project to increase efficiency in energy use in the public sector. The project aims to support innovative and cost-effective rehabilitation processes for different types of buildings and climatic regions, with a focus on public buildings to achieve the Energy Efficiency in Historic Building Information Model (EE-HBIM) model. This project is funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med program.

م. أنور هلال

رئيس الهيئة الإدارية

م. عبد الناصر دويكات

نائب رئيس الهيئة الإدارية

م. خالد صلاحات

أمين الصندوق

أ. وليد عطاطرة

أمين السر

أ. سوسن قدسي
أ. غسان عليان
د. رولا جادلله
أ. رتيبة أبو غوش
م. صالح صالح
م. يزن شمروخ

مهندس مشروع
